
2022年4月19日—SwiftBrowser-JavaScriptinterfaceforSwift.swift-ui-OpenStackSwiftwebbrowser.swiftbackmeup-Utilitythatallowsonetocreate ...,,AwebfrontendforbrowsinganddownloadingobjectssavedinSWIFTcompliantobjectstorage,supportingSSOwithSAML2federatedauthentication.,2016年1月28日—IhavecreatedaVMwithopenstackswiftrunningandIhavecreatedacontainerwithsomeobjects.Intheory,theURLtoeachobjectshouldbe .....

Associated Projects — Swift 2.34.0.dev73 documentation

2022年4月19日 — Swift Browser - JavaScript interface for Swift. swift-ui - OpenStack Swift web browser. swiftbackmeup - Utility that allows one to create ...


A web frontend for browsing and downloading objects saved in SWIFT compliant object storage, supporting SSO with SAML2 federated authentication.

How to view Openstack Swift objects in web browser

2016年1月28日 — I have created a VM with openstack swift running and I have created a container with some objects. In theory, the URL to each object should be ...


Swift Browser is a web based UI for OpenStack Swift. You can try our demo if you want to see how it looks and behaves. Deployment.

Object browser for CSC Pouta — swift-browser

Object browser for CSC Pouta¶. A Web UI object browser for object storage back-ends using Openstack Keystone for authentication (e.g. CSC Pouta).

Object Storage API — swift documentation

Lists containers for an account. Creates, updates, shows, and deletes account metadata. For more information and concepts about accounts see Object Storage API ...

OpenStack Swift Web Browser Access

Triofox's OpenStack Swift web browser simplifies remote access and file sharing. Other clients offer mapped drives and mobile applications.


Swift. Object store. Docs · Latest code source ... Swift is a highly available, distributed, eventually consistent object/blob store. ... browser. Propose changes ...

Swift (OpenStack Object Storage)

Containers from all regions are displayed in the browser. Choose View → Column → Region to display the region in the browser. Container . On your first login ...